This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2020 to April 2021.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2020-2021, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

31 Results

STAT 103.3: Elementary Probability

An elementary introduction to the concepts of probability, including: sets, Venn diagrams, definition of probability, algebra of probabilities, counting principles, some discrete random variables and their distributions, graphical displays, expected values, the normal distribution, the Central Limit Theorem, applications, some statistical concepts.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): Mathematics B30 or Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30.
Note: Credit will not be granted for STAT 103 if it is taken concurrently with or after STAT 241, STAT 242, STAT 245, STAT 246, PLSC 214, GE 210, COMM 207, PSY 234 or SOC 325. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts & Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 241.3: Probability Theory

Laws of probability, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, moments, functions of random variables and their distributions, Central Limit Theorem.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 110 and MATH 116; or MATH 176 and MATH 177.

STAT 242.3: Statistical Theory and Methodology

Sampling theory, estimation, confidence intervals, testing hypotheses, goodness of fit, analysis of variance, regression and correlation.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 241.
Note(s): Students may receive credit for only one of STAT 242, STAT 244, STAT 245, or STAT 246. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 244.3: Elementary Statistical Concepts

Statistical concepts and techniques including graphing of distributions, measures of location and variability, measures of association, regression, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing. Students should consult with their department before enrolling in this course to determine the status of this course in their program.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): A course in a social science or Mathematics A30 or Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30.
Note(s): Students may receive credit for only one of PLSC 214, STAT 242, STAT 244, STAT 245, or STAT 246. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 245.3: Introduction to Statistical Methods

An introduction to basic statistical methods including frequency distributions, elementary probability, confidence intervals and tests of significance, analysis of variance, regression and correlation, contingency tables, goodness of fit.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): One of MATH 100, MATH 104 (formerly MATH 101), MATH 110, MATH 121, MATH 123, MATH 125, MATH 176, or STAT 103.
Note(s): Students may receive credit for only one of STAT 242, STAT 244, STAT 245, or STAT 246. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 246.3: Introduction to Biostatistics

An introduction to statistical techniques with emphasis on methods particularly applicable to biological and health sciences. Topics include: descriptive statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing, linear and logistic regression, contingency tables, life tables, and experimental design. Computerized data analysis will be an essential component of the labs.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): Foundation of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30; and BIOL 120 and 121 (formerly BIOL 110) or permission of the department.
Note: One of MATH 104 (formerly MATH 101), MATH 110, MATH 176, or STAT 103 is recommended but not essential. Students may receive credit for only one of STAT 242, STAT 244, STAT 245, or STAT 246. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 298.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

STAT 299.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

STAT 341.3: Probability and Stochastic Processes

Random variables and their distributions; independence; moments and moment generating functions; conditional probability; Markov chains; stationary time-series.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 241.

STAT 342.3: Mathematical Statistics

Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; discrete and continuous random variables; standard probability models; expectations; moment generating functions; sums and functions of random variables; sampling distributions; asymptotic distributions. Deals with basic probability concepts at a moderately rigorous level.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 225 or 276; STAT 241 and 242.
Note: Students with credit for STAT 340 may not take this course for credit.

STAT 344.3: Applied Regression Analysis

Applied regression analysis involving the extensive use of computer software. Includes: linear regression; multiple regression; stepwise methods; residual analysis; robustness considerations; multicollinearity; biased procedures; non-linear regression.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 242 or STAT 245 or STAT 246.
Note: Students with credit for ECON 404 may not take this course for credit.

STAT 345.3: Design and Analysis of Experiments

An introduction to the principles of experimental design and analysis of variance. Includes: randomization, blocking, factorial experiments, confounding, random effects, analysis of covariance. Emphasis will be on fundamental principles and data analysis techniques rather than on mathematical theory.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 242 or STAT 245 or STAT 246.

STAT 346.3: Multivariate Analysis

The multivariate normal distribution, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, classification procedures, multiple covariance analysis, factor analysis, computer applications.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 164 (formerly MATH 264) or MATH 266, STAT 241, and one of STAT 344 or STAT 345.

STAT 348.3: Sampling Techniques

Theory and applications of sampling from finite populations. Includes: simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, probability proportionate to size sampling, and the difference, ratio and regression methods of estimation.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 242 or STAT 245 or STAT 246.

STAT 349.3: Time Series Analysis

An introduction to statistical time series analysis. Includes: trend analysis, seasonal variation, stationary and non-stationary time series models, serial correlation, forecasting and regression analysis of time series data.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 241, and STAT 344 or 345.

STAT 398.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

STAT 399.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

STAT 442.3: Statistical Inference

Parametric estimation, maximum likelihood estimators, unbiased estimators, UMVUE, confidence intervals and regions, tests of hypotheses, Neyman Pearson Lemma, generalized likelihood ratio tests, chi-square tests, Bayes estimators.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 342.

STAT 443.3: Linear Statistical Models

A rigorous examination of the general linear model using vector space theory. Includes: generalized inverses; orthogonal projections; quadratic forms; Gauss-Markov theorem and its generalizations; BLUE estimators; Non-full rank models; estimability considerations.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 164 (formerly MATH 264) or MATH 266, STAT 342, and STAT 344 or 345.

STAT 498.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

STAT 499.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

STAT 812.3: Computational Statistics

This course is about computational techniques used in statistical inference. Topics will be selected from: computer arithmetic, Monte Carlo methods for statistical research, optimization methods for maximum likelihood estimation, numerical methods for Bayesian inference, Bayesian analysis using BUGS, bootstrap methods, matrix computations for linear models, and others. This course also serves as a tutorial on a statistical programming language, such as R or Matlab, with examples from statistical inference.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 342, STAT 344, and STAT 442 or by permission of the instructor.
Note: Students with credit for STAT 846: Special Topics in Probability and Statistics; Special Topics in Computational Techniques in Statistics; and Special Topics in Computational Statistics may not take this course for credit.

STAT 834.3: Advanced Experimental Design

The theory of experimental design, including randomization theory, construction of block designs and Latin squares, factorial designs, and optimal design theory.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate courses in design and analysis of experiments, such as (STAT 345 or equivalent), mathematical statistics (STAT 342 or equivalent), and linear algebra (MATH 266 or equivalent) or permission of instructor.

STAT 841.3: Probability Theory

Probability spaces and random variables. Distribution functions. Convergence of random variables. Characteristic functions. Fundamental limit theorems. Conditional expectation.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 241 and MATH 371, or permission of the department.

STAT 845.3: Statistical Methods for Research

Statistical methods as they apply to scientific research, including: Experimental design, blocking and confounding, analysis of multifactor experiments, multiple regression and model building.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 242 or 245 or permission of the department.

STAT 846.3: Special Topics in Probability and Statistics

Topics will be related to recent developments in statistics and probability (multivariate statistics, time series, experimental design, non-parametric statistics, etc.) of interest to the instructor and students.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Note: Students may take this course more than once for credit, provided the topic covered in each offering differs substantially. Students must consult the Department to ensure that the topics covered are different.

STAT 848.3: Multivariate Data Analysis

A survey of methods for analyzing discrete and continuous multivariate data. Includes; Log-linear models, logistic regression, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, MANOVA, factor analysis.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): COMM 395, STAT 345 and STAT 845 or permission of the department.

STAT 850.3: Mathematical Statistics and Inference

An overview of mathematical methods used in theoretical statistics with particular emphasis on inference. Will cover general probability distributions, generating functions, limit theorems, likelihood concepts, exponential families, decision theory, Bayesian and frequentist paradigms for estimation and testing, asymptotic theory.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate courses in mathematical statistics and inference, such as STAT 342 and STAT 442.

STAT 851.3: Linear Models

A rigorous development of the general linear model, using vector space theory. Generalized inverses, orthogonal projections, quadratic forms, Gauss-Markov theorem, estimability.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): An undergraduate course in mathematical statistics (STAT 342), linear algebra (MATH 266), and STAT 344 or 345.

STAT 898.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the department for more information.

STAT 899.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the department for more information.