This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2025 to April 2026.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2025-2026, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

7 Results

STAT 241.3: Probability Theory

Laws of probability, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, moments, functions of random variables and their distributions, Central Limit Theorem.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 110.3, MATH 133.4 or MATH 176.3; and MATH 116.3, MATH 134.3 or MATH 177.3.

STAT 242.3: Statistical Theory and Methodology

Sampling theory, estimation, confidence intervals, testing hypotheses, goodness of fit, analysis of variance, regression and correlation.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): STAT 241.3
Note(s): Students may take STAT 242.3 for credit after GE 210.3, PLSC 214.3, STAT 245.3 or STAT 246.3, but may not take GE 210.3, PLSC 214.3, STAT 245.3 or STAT 246.3 for credit after completing STAT 242.3 for credit. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 244.3: Elementary Statistical Concepts

Statistical concepts and techniques including graphing of distributions, measures of location and variability, measures of association, regression, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing. Students should consult with their department before enrolling in this course to determine the status of this course in their program.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): A course in a social science or Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30.
Note(s): Students with credit for COMM 104.3, ECON 204, EPSE 441.3, GEOG 301, PSY 233.3, SOC 225.3 or equivalent may not take this course for credit. Students may not take STAT 244 for credit either concurrently with or following STAT 242, STAT 245, STAT 246 or ECON 204. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 245.3: Introduction to Statistical Methods

An introduction to basic statistical methods including frequency distributions, elementary probability, confidence intervals and tests of significance, analysis of variance, regression and correlation, contingency tables, goodness of fit.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): One of MATH 100.6, MATH 104.3, MATH 110.3, MATH 121.3, MATH 123.3, MATH 125.3, MATH 133.4, MATH 176.3, or STAT 103.3.
Note(s): Students with credit for GE 210.3, PLSC 214.3, STAT 242.3, or STAT 246.3 may not take this course for credit. Students may take STAT 242.3 for credit in a subsequent term. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 246.3: Introduction to Biostatistics

An introduction to statistical techniques with emphasis on methods particularly applicable to biological and health sciences. Topics include: descriptive statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing, linear and logistic regression, contingency tables, life tables, and experimental design. Computerized data analysis will be an essential component of the labs.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): Foundations of Mathematics 30 or Pre-Calculus 30; and BIOL 120.3 and 121.3 or permission of the department.
Note: One of MATH 104.3, MATH 110.3, MATH 176.3, or STAT 103.3 is recommended but not essential. Students with credit for GE 210.3, PLSC 214.3, STAT 242.3, or STAT 245.3 may not take this course for credit. Students may take STAT 242.3 for credit in a subsequent term. Please refer to the Statistics Course Regulations in the Arts and Science section of the Course and Program Catalogue.

STAT 298.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

STAT 299.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours