Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2025-2026, please consult the class search website.
The following conventions are used for course numbering:
- 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
- 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
- 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses
Course search
11 Results
BIOL 815.3: Advanced Limnology
A review of current ecological and environmental topics concerning inland waters.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 412, or an undergraduate limnology course, or permission of the instructor.
BIOL 830.3: Advanced Neurobiology of Behaviour
This course explores, at an advanced level and through critical examination of current literature, neural mechanisms responsible for the generation of adaptive behaviours of animals. Topics for discussion will deal with structural or functional characteristics of neurons, synapses or circuits that have a definite motor or behavioural correlate.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 430 or permission of the instructor.
BIOL 836.3: Advanced Plant Physiology
Selected topics dealing with recent advances in plant physiology.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 331 or permission of the instructor.
BIOL 841.3: Advanced Plant Pathology
Selected topics in plant pathology and molecular plant-microbe interactions.
Weekly hours:
2 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Permission of instructor required.
BIOL 865.3: Physiological Toxicology
This course examines how various environmental stressors including contaminants alter vital physiological functions and cause toxic effects in aquatic animals. Students will explore the current state of science and also learn how the physiological knowledge and principles can be applied to regulatory decision making for the protection of aquatic life.
BIOL 872.3: Advanced Animal Behaviour
Examination of current concepts and techniques in the study of animal behaviour.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
BIOL 875.3: Ecotoxicology Theory and Approaches
This course examines how principles and theories in ecology can better inform ecotoxicology problems at multiple levels of biological organization (individuals to ecosystems). Much of the science of this relatively young discipline has traditionally lacked a conceptual basis and major recent advances are being drawn from ecological theories, models and approaches to strengthen the field. Students will examine current advanced topics and contemporary approaches that add ecological relevance and predictive strength to both field and laboratory ecotoxicology studies.
Weekly hours:
1 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Permission of the instructor is required.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both BIOL 475 and BIOL 875.
BIOL 883.3: Ecology Seminar
Students and faculty reports on selected topics in aquatic and terrestrial ecology.
Weekly hours:
2 Seminar/Discussion hours
BIOL 889.3: Avian Wildlife Conservation and Management Theory in Practice
Evaluates current problems and solutions in conservation and management of wildlife, primarily birds, with emphasis on hypothesis-testing, and identification, review and application of ecological theories and modern analytical techniques (e.g., abundance estimation; survival analysis). Quantitative analysis of specific case-histories dealing with management of birds.
Weekly hours:
2 Lecture hours and 1 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): A senior level ecology course and permission of the instructor.
BIOL 898.3: Special Topics
Assigned reading and tutorials, projects and/or lectures in special topics related to the student's major field of interest. Students are required to prepare three essays or term papers or their equivalent if another form of evaluation is more appropriate.
BIOL 899.N/A: Special Topics
Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the department for more information.