Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2024-2025, please consult the class search website.
The following conventions are used for course numbering:
- 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
- 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
- 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses
Course search
11 Results
GPS 898.3: Special Topics
Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the department for more information.
Note: GPS courses were formerly offered under the label of GSR.
GPS 960.0: Introduction to Ethics and Integrity
This is a required course for all first year graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. The purpose of this course is to discuss ethical issues that graduate students may face during their time at the University. All students will complete modules dealing with integrity and scholarship, graduate student-supervisor relationships, conflict of interest, conflict resolution and intellectual property and credit.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 960 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 961.0: Ethics and Integrity in Human Research
Introduces students to the ethics of research with human subjects. Students will complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethics Conduct for Research involving Humans (TCPS) Tutorial and become familiar with the human ethics processes at the University of Saskatchewan.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 961 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 962.0: Ethics and Integrity in Animal Research
Introduces students to the ethics of research with animal subjects. Students will complete the Canadian Council for Animal Care tutorial and become familiar with the animal ethics processes at the University of Saskatchewan.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 962 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 974.0: Graduate Professional Skills
This course is designed for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to foster the development of professional skills in academia and beyond. Requirements include a self-directed learning plan, monthly discussions, and a reflective professional skills portfolio and presentation. Students should register in this course at the same time as completing the requirements for the Graduate Professional Skills Certificate.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): GPS 984.0
GPS 981.0: Academic Preparation for International Graduate Students
This course prepares international graduate students for the Canadian academic environment. Students will learn techniques for improving listening and note-taking skills; managing their reading loads; sharpening critical thinking; and conducting and managing research. Students will also learn about the role of supervisors, professors, and graduate chairs, and will gain practical instruction in academic integrity. Students will receive intensive academic writing instruction via lecture, assignments, detailed feedback, and one-to-one support.
Note: International students attending under a special scholarship agreement will be given first priority. Students with credit for GSR 981 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 982.0: Mentored Teaching
This course integrates theory and practice through mentorship in university teaching. Ph.D. students who apply and receive a Teacher Scholar Doctoral Fellowship design (Term 1) and instruct a course (Term 2), while reflecting on their experiences in a teaching portfolio.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Restriction(s): PhD program student.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 982 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 984.0: Thinking Critically Professional Skills for Global Citizens
Designed for graduate students to think globally and enhance their critical thinking skills through multidisciplinary activities and discussions. This course explores how factors such as culture or personality influence the ways we think, interact with, and relate to the world.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 984 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 986.0: Teaching Preparation Certificate
Students in the certificate program enroll in this course while they are completing competency-based requirements for the certificate program.
GPS 989.0: Introduction to University Teaching
Designed for graduate students preparing to teach. Students are introduced to instructional approaches and way to build the classroom environment that may be applied beyond the university classroom.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 989 will not receive credit for this course.
GPS 992.0: Research - Project
A research course for Graduate Students attending the University of Saskatchewan as a Joint Student.
Restriction(s): Open to students who are admitted to the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as a Joint Student.
Note: Students with credit for GSR 992 will not receive credit for this course.