This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2024 to April 2025.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2024-2025, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

26 Results

MEDC 111.0: Success in Medical School I

Assist the medical student in orientating to the medical program and provides support throughout the first year.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to M.D. program (Year 1, Term 1).

MEDC 132.3: Medicine and Society I

Through classroom and community-based learning experiences, this Introduction to Health Care in Canada will allow students to learn how to determine and meet the diverse health needs of specific and significant populations in Saskatchewan and Canada. These populations may be determined by chronological age, gender, geography, ethnic and cultural background, culturally safe and modified care, and other criteria.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the M.D. program (Year 1, Term 1).

MEDC 133.9: Clinical Skills I

Designed to assist the student in developing fundamental clinical skills upon which they will build throughout their professional lives. Interviewing, communication skills, Interprofessional Education, basic physical examination skills, and foundations of clinical reasoning are the focus of the course. The development of effective and caring relationships with patients is fundamental to the success of this course and all future clinical experiences.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the M.D. program (Year 1, Term 1).

MEDC 136.21: Foundations in Clinical Medicine I

This course is first in a series of four Foundations of Clinical Medicine courses and includes three curricular components: 1. An introductory module [encompassing major biomedical science themes and sections on principles of health promotion as well as health information literacy skill development], 2. A longitudinal case-based learning module and 3. Biological systems based clinical modules. Through these curricular components students will begin to learn to apply knowledge and skills towards care of people with common and/or urgent medical conditions.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the M.D. program (Year 1, Term 1).

MEDC 142.3: Medicine and Society II

Through classroom and community-based learning experiences, this course will focus on population and preventative health care that will allow students to further refine their ability to determine and meet the diverse health needs of specific and significant populations in Saskatchewan and Canada. Students will further explore the determinants of health and learn more about disease prevention, public health principles, and environmental and occupational hazards.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 132.3

MEDC 143.9: Clinical Skills II

Learning in Clinical Skills II will enable students to improve their basic clinical skills, including patient-centered communication and physical examination through a combination of assessment of 'real-life' patients and structured learning sessions. Students will further develop clinical reasoning skills including differential diagnosis and management planning as well as interprofessional collaborative skills.

Prerequisite(s):MEDC 133.9

MEDC 146.21: Foundations in Clinical Medicine II

This course is the second of four Foundations of Clinical Medicine courses and includes two components: 1. Biological systems based clinical medicine modules and 2. A longitudinal case-based learning module. Building on their cumulative learning in this course series, students will learn to apply knowledge and skills towards care of people with common and or urgent medical conditions.

Prerequisite(s):MEDC 136.21

MEDC 211.0: Success in Medical School II

This non-credit course is designed to assist the medical student in orientating to the second year of the medical program while also providing information that will assist with personal wellness, stress management, study tips, and schedule organization. This course will be offered before the start of classes as well as just-in-time short sessions throughout the school year. Materials will be posted corresponding to current topics.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year One, M.D. program.

MEDC 232.3: Medicine and Society III

Through classroom and community-based learning experiences, this course will focus on Canada's Health Care System that will allow students to learn about the health care system in Canada, strategies for Health Care reform, key medical organizations, and their role in health care.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the College of Medicine; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 142.3.

MEDC 233.9: Clinical Skills III

Learning in Clinical Skills III will enable students to further refine their clinical skills, including patient-centered communication and physical examination through a combination of assessment of 'real-life' patients and structured learning sessions. Students will further develop clinical reasoning skills including differential diagnosis and management planning as well as interprofessional collaboration skills.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the M.D. program; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 143.9.

MEDC 236.21: Foundations in Clinical Medicine III

This course is the third of four Foundations of Clinical Medicine courses and includes two components: 1. Biological systems based clinical medicine modules and 2. A longitudinal case-based learning module. Building on their cumulative learning in this course series, students will learn to apply knowledge and skills towards care of people with common and or urgent medical conditions.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the M.D. program; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 146.21.

MEDC 242.3: Medicine and Society IV

Through classroom and community-based learning experiences, this course will focus on Physician Leadership that will allow students to develop skills related health care leadership and management teams, quality improvement, IPPC skills, patient advocacy and lifelong learning skills.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the M.D. program; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s):MEDC 232.3

MEDC 243.9: Clinical Skills IV

Learning in Clinical Skills IV will enable students to further refine their clinical skills and to become increasingly proficient at establishing rational differential diagnoses and developing appropriate patient-centered management plans as well as interprofessional collaboration skills.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the M.D. program; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 233.9

MEDC 246.21: Foundations in Clinical Medicine IV

This course is the fourth of four Foundations of Clinical Medicine courses and includes two components: 1. Biological systems based clinical medicine modules and 2. A longitudinal case-based learning module. Building on their cumulative learning in this course series, students will learn to apply knowledge and skills towards care of people with common and or urgent medical conditions.

Restriction(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the M.D. program; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): MEDC 236.21.

MEDC 306.50: Saskatchewan Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship SLIC

The Saskatchewan Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (SLIC) allows students to apply their basic knowledge and skills acquired in the first 2 years of medical school in the clinical setting. SLIC students will experience a learning environment that provides comprehensive care of patients over time and meetings the first clerkship year’s core objectives across multiple disciplines simultaneously in a one on one teaching environment. SLIC students will care for patients in the community, clinic, and hospital setting under the direct supervision of faculty and, depending on the community, residents.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.
Note: Students with credit for MEDC 307 will not receive credit for this course.

MEDC 307.50: Core Clinical Rotations

During this full clerkship year, students will participate in the care of patients in the office, clinic, or hospitals under the direct supervision of faculty and residents within seven core, mandatory rotations in Anesthesia, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery. Students will experience a broad range of clinical exposure, including a mandatory minimum of four weeks of clinical training in a rural community.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.
B>Note: Students with credit for MEDC 306 will not receive credit for this course.

MEDC 308.16: Selected Topics in Medicine

This course consists of topics selected to address the general knowledge base required for completing clinical rounds and to ensure students attain a broad basis of learning that will help them as physicians, whatever their chosen career path. This course is regularly scheduled one half day per week and the sessions are coordinated across all three sites through video conferencing. Attendance is mandatory and students are excused from all other clinical duties in order to attend these sessions.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.

MEDC 311.0: Success in Medical School Clerkship III

This course is designed to assist the medical student in orientating to the clerkship portion of their medical education. It will provide both overall and site-specific orientation to include: confirmation and refinement of clinical, procedural, and communication skills, and learning of documentation skills. As well the students will complete the mandatory full program of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support. The students will receive information about career development, student wellness, review of professionalism and ethics, legal aspects of clerkship, HIPA, teaching about SCM and the use of One45 in clerkship. Site specific orientation will be given with respect to policies & procedures, employee health and safety, pharmacy services, region code procedure, During this time, the students will receive their complete the necessary paperwork to proceed and will receive their scrubs, pagers, and be assigned lockers. This course will be offered for the two weeks immediately prior to the start of department-specific rotations.

Restriction(s): Open only to students who have successfully completed Year Two of the M.D. program.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.

MEDC 332.50: Clinical Rotations I

During this full clerkship year, students will participate in the care of patients in the office, clinic, or hospitals under the direct supervision of faculty and residents during the seven core mandatory block rotations in; Family Medicine, Anesthesia/Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery. Students will experience a broad range of clinical exposure, including a mandatory minimum of four weeks of clinical training in a rural community. Students will also participate in four weeks of elective rotations during this clerkship year.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.
Note: Students with credit for MEDC 306, MEDC 307, MEDC 334 will not receive credit for this course.

MEDC 334.50: SK Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship

The Saskatchewan Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (SLIC) allows students to apply their basic knowledge and skills acquired in the first 2 years of medical school in the clinical setting. SLIC students will experience a learning environment that provides comprehensive care of patients over time and will meet the first clerkship year's core objectives across multiple disciplines simultaneously in a one-on-one teaching environment. SLIC students will care for patients in the community, clinic, and hospital setting under the direct supervision of faculty and, depending on the community, residents.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Two, M.D. program.
Note: Students with credit for MEDC 306, MEDC 307, MEDC 332 will not receive credit for this course.

MEDC 407.34: Elective Clinical Rotations

This course is designed to allow medical students to pursue their own interests and to design programs in keeping with their individual goals. They will also experience an opportunity to conduct research relevant to medical practice.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Three, M.D. program.

MEDC 408.8: Selective Clinical Rotations

This course is designed to allow medical students to further pursue their own interests in the areas of internal medicine and surgery in keeping with their individual goals. The two Selective opportunities area available throughout a 24 week period.

Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Three, M.D. program.

MEDC 409.8: Preparation for Residency

This capstone course will provide topics selected to address any gaps in information acquisition that may have occurred during the pre-clerkship curriculum. Sessions will focus on preparing students for residency.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Three, M.D. program.

MEDC 432.42: Clinical Rotations II

This course includes both elective and required clinical experiences. The required clinical experiences include two-week blocks in each of internal medicine, and surgery. A further two week block is allocated for a family medicine rotation experience (contingent on clinical capacity for the academic year). The elective experiences, which make up the remainder of this clerkship year, allow medical students to pursue their own interests and to design programs in keeping with their individual goals. Learners will have an opportunity to deepen skills and understanding around provision of socially accountable care.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Restriction(s): M.D. program only; in appropriate year of study only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Year Three, M.D. program.

MEDC 498.15: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

MEDC 505.15: Clerkship Extension Course

The Clerkship Extension course provides students, who have been unsuccessful in the CaRMS match, a chance to participate in an additional year of undergraduate medical training. The year is composed of 4 modules: career advising and mentorship, research project, clinical electives, and clinical experiences.

Permission of the college is required.
Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the requirements for an M.D., but chosen not to graduate at the end Year 4.