Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2025-2026, please consult the class search website.
The following conventions are used for course numbering:
- 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
- 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
- 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses
Course search
24 Results
RCM 200.3: Effective Professional Communication
Aims to prepare students to negotiate the political, rhetorical, ethical and interpersonal challenges of communicating in a professional environment. Addresses the practical demands of writing technical correspondence and reports. The primary focus of the course is on developing students' communicative judgement through case studies and analysis. The course also provides a foundation for further study in communication.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): 24 credit units from the institution.
Note:Students with credit for GE 300 or RCM 300 will not receive credit for this course.
RCM 400.3: Rhetorical Theory and Practice of Persuasion
A survey of the aims and scope of rhetoric, the art of persuasion, as it is currently understood and practised. Develops skill in the use and detection of rhetorical devices and methods, including understanding how rhetors adapt to the demands of various audiences; what makes messages effective, engaging and convincing; how situation influences the positioning of a message; and how credibility is established.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note:Students with credit for GE 400 will not receive credit for this course.
RCM 401.3: Oral Rhetoric
Focuses on application of the fundamentals of rhetoric to oral presentations. This is not primarily a course in performance; thus, in addition to developing skills in delivery, it will concentrate on applying theoretical understanding in four other areas: understanding and adapting to audience; using rhetorical strategies to develop a well-structured, engaging, and convincing message; accommodating to situational constraints; and establishing speaker credibility.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note:Students with credit for GE 401 will not receive credit for this course.
RCM 402.3: Interpersonal Communication and Rhetoric
A survey of foundational concepts in interpersonal communication. Topics include the nature of communication, self-concept, face and politeness, ethics, listening, context and situation, human motivation, identity formation, and persuasion. The course will incorporate rhetorical as well as social-scientific theories, and its goal will be to encourage students to think about the dynamic and shifting nature of human interaction, and to develop strategies for managing their own interactions particularly in their professional relationships.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note: Students with credit for GE 402 or RCM 802 will not receive credit for this course.
RCM 404.3: Leadership as Communication
Examines leadership as communication, and in particular as a form of rhetorical activity. Drawing on both traditional and contemporary scholarship, it will combine theoretical understanding with practical strategies for improving skill across several dimensions of the leadership dynamic: interpersonal, rhetorical, social, ethical, and political. Through reading, discussion, and a variety of practical case studies and exercises, students will be challenged to develop their ability to guide, motivate, and support others toward common goals. Topics include leadership as rhetoric; the ethics of leadership; face-saving, conflict resolution, and listening; community and team-building; group loyalty and identity formation; and persuasion.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 804 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 406.3: Studies in Communication Series
The series will comprise a collection of specialized courses in specific branches or areas of communication, which will vary with each offering. Some possible topics include: Communication Theory, Nonverbal Communication, Propaganda Analysis, Advanced Grammar, Persuasion in Popular Culture, Public Address, Media Critique, Communication and Identity. A unique course description will be created for each course offering.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 806 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 407.3: Rhetorical Editing
Is an exploration of the structure of present-day English as spoken and written in contemporary Canada, with an emphasis on the idea of "standard" English in a professional context. Students will acquire the necessary technical vocabulary to discuss and critique issues of acceptable style and usage in their speech and writing, particularly with respect to word formation, sentence structure, and the often difficult relationship between sound and spelling. The course will provide students with an awareness of the linguistic options available to them in the practice of clear and effective communication.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 807 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 408.3: Rhetorical Composition Writing for the Public
The written word is the basic currency of both the academic and industrial economies. Not only must professionals write reports and proposals for communities of their peers, but they must also communicate often with non-specialist audiences. This course equips students with classical and contemporary rhetorical principles in order to help them appreciate the purpose, audience, and constraints of the rhetorical situation. It then provides them with various contexts for practicing descriptive, expository, narrative, and persuasive elements of academic, professional, and technical writing, all of which types they may expect to encounter during the course of their careers as students and professionals.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note:Students cannot receive credit for RCM 408 and RCM 808; those courses have overlapping content.
RCM 409.3: Negotiation as Rhetorical Practice
Using rhetorical theories and methodologies, as well as organizational models, this course introduces students to effective negotiation as rhetorical practice. Designed to foster a rhetorical understanding of the most fundamental elements of the negotiation process, the course teaches theories of identification and common ground as well as persuasion, power, and ethics. It focuses on the tools necessary to examine communication processes and motivations that underpin the principles of negotiation, and it teaches how to do a rhetorical analysis of the negotiation context and audience as well as how to do strategic planning. The course also recognizes the interrelationship between language theories and the ability to frame negotiation communication.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note: Students with credit for RCM 809 will note receive credit for this course.
RCM 410.3: Rhetoric of Science and Technology
Rhetoric of science is a discipline that explores the persuasive elements of scientific discourse. Initially inspired by Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, rhetoricians of science investigate the communicative processes through which scientific facts are determined and disseminated among scientists, government agencies, and the general public. In this course, students not only explore the genres and conventions that are used to communicate scientific knowledge among various audiences, but they also have the opportunity to reflect on and enhance their own ability to communicate science. Readings will include selections from foundational theorists and rhetoricians of science, as well as journalists and science fiction authors. Case studies drawn from contemporary, and possibly historical, scientific discussions and controversies will complement more theoretical readings.
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note: Students with credit for RCM 810 or Special Topics RCM 498: Rhetoric of Science and Technology cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 495.3: Rhetorical Peer Mentorship
In this course, students will further develop their understanding of rhetorical and learning theory, and will work collaboratively, under the supervision of the instructors, to apply the rhetorical skills they have learned in this class, and other Rhetorical Communication classes, in order to complete a capstone-mentorship project.
Weekly hours:
1 Seminar/Discussion hours and 3 Reading hours
Prerequisite(s): RCM 200 or 60 credit units of university level courses.
Note: Students with credit for the RCM 498 offering in the same topic will not receive credit for this course.
RCM 498.3: Special Topics
Offered occasionally to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
RCM 802.3: Advanced Interpersonal Communication and Rhetoric
Advanced Interpersonal Communication and Rhetoric invites students to apply rhetorical theories to professional interpersonal communication situations. This course explores how our language and symbol use encodes strategies of identification. When we recognize how identifications are built rhetorically, we can more effectively manage conflict, defuse tensions, and build effective professional interpersonal relationships.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate RCM courses or equivalent; or RCM 800; or 24 credit units of university level courses.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for RCM 402 and RCM 802; those courses have overlapping content.
RCM 804.3: Advanced Leadership as Communication
RCM 804 promotes an advanced understanding of leadership as communication, and in particular as a form of complex rhetorical activity. Practical strategies for improving skill across several dimensions of the leadership dynamic: interpersonal, rhetorical, social, ethical, and political, will be informed by the comparative study and application of theories of rhetorical communication and leadership. Class discussion and written analysis of case studies drawing from a range of academic and professional experiences will challenge students to assess their experience of leadership (as both leaders and as responsive to leadership of others) and to be able to offer constructive and substantive critiques of leadership as projected and implemented.
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate RCM courses or equivalent, OR RCM 800, OR 24 credit units of undergraduate courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 404 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 806.3: Advanced Topics in Communication Advanced Studies in Kenneth Burke and Rhetorical Identity Formation
This course will apply, on an advanced level, the rhetorical theories of Kenneth Burke to explore the function of identity formation in the context of a contemporary classroom in the College of Engineering. In doing so, it will conduct a more through and in-depth survey of Burke’s theories than occurs in other RCM courses at the undergraduate level. In particular, this graduate-level course will examine how Burke’s theories and methods help us to explore and validate narratives of diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation in the context of the classroom community.
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate RCM courses or equivalent, OR RCM 800, OR 24 credit units of undergraduate courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 406 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 807.3: Advanced Rhetorical Editing
RCM 807 offers a vehicle for advanced exploration of the assessment and application of standards of written English in a professional context in contemporary Canada. Students will apply rhetorical and grammatical theory on a comparative basis to refine their methods of critiquing their own writing and offering critiques of others, with respect to word formation, sentence structure, inclusive language, and general reduction of structural ambiguity.
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate RCM courses or equivalent, OR RCM 800, OR 24 credit units of undergraduate courses.
Note(s): Students with credit for RCM 407 cannot receive credit for this course.
RCM 808.3: Advanced Writing for the Public
This course applies classical and contemporary rhetorical theory to written communication. The readings and assignments, which include examples of and exercises in descriptive, expository, narrative, and persuasive writing, will improve the capacity of students and practicing professionals to write clearly and effectively for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Note:Students cannot receive credit for RCM 408 and RCM 808; those courses have overlapping content.
RCM 809.3: Advanced Negotiation as Rhetorical Practice
Using rhetorical theories and methodologies, this course introduces students to effective negotiation as advanced rhetorical practice. Designed to foster a sophisticated understanding of the elements of the negotiation process, the course teaches rhetorical theories of identification, persuasion, power, ethics, argument structure, and language. It focuses on the tools necessary to examine communication processes and motivations that underpin the principles of negotiation. The course emphasizes strategic negotiation planning through rhetorical invention. At the same time, students will learn how to analyse negotiation contexts and stakeholder relationships and respond effectively.
Weekly hours:
3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate RCM courses or equivalent, OR RCM 800.3, OR 24 credit units of undergraduate courses
Note: This course is a hybrid course with RCM 409, and this course cannot be taken for credit after previously taking RCM 409.
RCM 810.3: Advanced Studies in the Rhetoric of Science and Technology
This course explores the dissemination of scientific and technological information among scientists and engineers, government agencies, and the public. Graduate students and professionals will advance their ability to communicate with such audiences through readings in the rhetoric of science and technology and the analysis of case studies.
Weekly hours:
3 Lecture hours
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both RCM 410 and RCM 810; those courses have overlapping content.
RCM 898.3: Special Topics
Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the school for more information.
RCM 899.6: Special Topics
Offered occasionally in special situations. Students interested in these courses should contact the school for more information.
RCM 990.0: Graduate Research Seminar
As required, graduate students who study Rhetorical Communications in the Graham School of Professional Development will present at the SoPD Graduate Student Research Symposium once per academic year. This seminar course gives graduate students the opportunity to present their work.
RCM 994.0: Research – Thesis
Students writing a Master's thesis must register for this course.
RCM 996.0: Research Dissertation
Students writing a Ph.D. dissertation must register for this course.