Subject: Anthropology
Credit units: 3
Offered: Either Term 1 or Term 2
Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
College: Arts and Science
Department: Anthropology


Taking a political ecology approach drawn from anthropology, cross-cultural examples, and other disciplines, the course examines the impact of major 20th. and 21st. Century economic and technological developments upon peoples and environments. The focus is upon Indigenous nations, farming, peasant, and other local communities in cross-cultural and global perspective. A core emphasis is on environmental crises (chronic and acute), often associated with asymmetrical power relations, and socio-cultural responses to them, especially in the form of movements of resistance, protest, and reform. Political ecology blends the insights of a unified political economic approach in the social sciences with cultural and human ecologies as well as a mixture of biological and social ecological sciences. The course also explores sustainable futures through this paradigm.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 111.3, Aor ARCH 112.3 or successful completion of 30 credit units of university study.
Note: Students who have taken ANTH 298 (Special Topics): Political Ecology, Anthropology and Contemporary Environmental Issues may not take this course for credit.

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Once an instructor has made their syllabus publicly available on USask’s Learning Management System, it will appear below. Please note that the examples provided below do not represent a complete set of current or previous syllabus material. Rather, they are presented solely for the purpose of indicating what may be required for a given class. Unless otherwise specifically stated on the content, the copyright for all materials in each course belongs to the instructor whose name is associated with that course. The syllabus is the intellectual property of instructors or the university.

For more information, visit the Academic Courses Policy , the Syllabus page for instructors , or for students your Academic Advising office.

