Credit units:
Either Term 1 or Term 2
Weekly hours: 6 Practicum/Lab hours
Department: Kinesiology (Dean's Office)
This practicum allows successful student trainer applicants to attain 3 credit units for their commitment to a Huskie Athletics season. Student trainers will be assigned to a varsity sports team in the fall semester. The Student Trainer Practicum I includes a pre-season orientation, education seminars, shadowing in Huskie Health/week, team involvement at practices and games, and meeting with their supervisor. The orientation will take place at the beginning of term one in the fall to educate students on their roles and responsibilities when working with a team, Huskie Health policies and procedures, USPORT and CANWEST requirements, policies and procedures, and expectations working alongside an IST (Integrated Support Team). Students will be evaluated and will receive a grade for this practicum.
Prerequisite(s): CPPS 221.3 and a minimum of 30 credit units at the university; successful Interview and acceptance into the program; Standard First Aid and CPR; Sport First Responder (hosted by Huskie Health and offered to students in Spring/Summer).
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): KIN 321.3
Note: Students may have credit for only one of KIN 350.6 or KIN 360.3.
Upcoming class offerings
For full details about upcoming courses, refer to the class search tool or, if you are a current student, the registration channel in PAWS.
The syllabus is a public document that provides detail about a class, such as the schedule of activities, learning outcomes, and weighting of assignments and examinations.
Once an instructor has made their syllabus publicly available on USask’s Learning Management System, it will appear below. Please note that the examples provided below do not represent a complete set of current or previous syllabus material. Rather, they are presented solely for the purpose of indicating what may be required for a given class. Unless otherwise specifically stated on the content, the copyright for all materials in each course belongs to the instructor whose name is associated with that course. The syllabus is the intellectual property of instructors or the university.
For more information, visit the Academic Courses Policy , the Syllabus page for instructors , or for students your Academic Advising office.