Subject: Law
Credit units: 3
Offered: Either Term 1 or Term 2
Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
College: Law
Department: Law (Dean's Office)


Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method that is a substitute (or alternative) to court. In a private process, an arbitrator selected by mutual agreement conducts a hearing and renders a binding, written decision. Arbitration is used to settle many kinds of disputes in labour and employment, commercial and social activities, insurance and financial agreements, international treaties and sports. Taking a hands on approach, the course will teach students how arbitration works, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to research, prepare and argue cases. Simulations, case analysis, searchable data bases, outside experts, and lectures will be used. Issues covered include dismissal, drug testing, contract interpretation, surveillance and privacy, and discrimination. Acquired skills will be applicable to most employment and commercial settings. Final grades are based on the ability of students to apply what they have learned. In the last class students argue a case in front of experienced arbitrators and then prepare a written arbitration decision.

Prerequisite(s): LAW 467 or permission of the instructor.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Upper-Year Law students.
Note: Students with credit for COMM 487 may not receive credit for this course.

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The syllabus is a public document that provides detail about a class, such as the schedule of activities, learning outcomes, and weighting of assignments and examinations.

Once an instructor has made their syllabus publicly available on USask’s Learning Management System, it will appear below. Please note that the examples provided below do not represent a complete set of current or previous syllabus material. Rather, they are presented solely for the purpose of indicating what may be required for a given class. Unless otherwise specifically stated on the content, the copyright for all materials in each course belongs to the instructor whose name is associated with that course. The syllabus is the intellectual property of instructors or the university.

For more information, visit the Academic Courses Policy , the Syllabus page for instructors , or for students your Academic Advising office.

