This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2025 to April 2026.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2025-2026, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

82 Results

ART 110.3: Art Today Ideas and Practices

From painting to robotics, performance to ceramics, artists are using an astonishing array of media to explore their world. In this course, students learn about artists from across the globe. We investigate the broad range of media that artists are using, and how they express their ideas through art. We also examine the social and economic factors that shape 21st century art practices, and the role of the artist in society. Students will develop the language and tools needed to critique contemporary art.

ART 122.3: Foundation in Painting I

Explores the principles and elements of the language of art as related to the process of painting. Discussion and exposure to a variety of tools, materials, and media will be included. Historical reference to stylistic changes and various aesthetic concepts will be explored.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 111.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 123.3: Foundation in Painting II

Continues to explore principles and elements of the language of art as related to the process of painting. Discussion and exposure to a variety of tools, materials, and media will be included. Historical reference to stylistic changes and various aesthetic concepts will be explored.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 122.3.
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 111.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 124.3: Foundation in Drawing I

Introduction to the formal and creative language of drawing. The course emphasizes the development of drawing skills and identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 112.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 125.3: Foundation of Drawing II

Continues the introduction to the formal and creative language of drawing began in Foundations of Drawing I. The course emphasizes the development of drawing skills and identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 124.3
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 112.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 136.3: Digital and Integrated Practice I Foundation

This introductory course explores interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary art making including installation, performance, relational aesthetics, digital media and other forms of extended media. Reading and discussion of related texts and audio/visual material, technical tutorials and critique will accompany production of artworks.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note:Students with credit for ART 135 may not take ART 136 for credit.

ART 141.3: Sculpture I Foundation

An introduction to the concepts and issues relating to contemporary sculpture. This combined lecture/studio class encourages a wide exploration of materials while focusing on basic formal and compositional skills.

Weekly hours: 1.5 Lecture hours and 1.5 Practicum/Lab hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 114 may not take ART 141 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 151.3: Introductory Printmaking I

Introduces and explores the conceptual, expressive and technical processes of two printmaking media of relief and intaglio. Discussion and exposure to a variety of equipment, materials and media will be included.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 113.6 may not take this course for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 152.3: Introductory Printmaking II

Introduces and explores the conceptual, expressive and technical processes of two printmaking media of lithography and screenprinting. Discussion and exposure to a variety of equipment, materials and media will be included.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 113.6 may not take this course for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 161.3: Foundation in Photography I

An introduction to the concepts and techniques of contemporary photography with an emphasis on composition, camera exposure and editing. Theory and practical application will be approached through assigned projects and independent work.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 116.6 may not take ART 161.3 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 217.3: Photography II

This course is designed to allow students continual development in the creative language of photography both expressive and technical building on skills learned in ART 161. Theory and practical applications will be approached through assigned projects and independent work.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 161.3
Note: Photography students must provide some photographic materials. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 216.6 may not take ART 217.3 for credit.

ART 220.3: Drawing and Related Work II A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 112.6 or ART 125.3.
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 212, ART 281 or ART 282 may not take this course for credit.

ART 221.3: Drawing and Related Work II B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 220.3.
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 212, ART 281 or ART 282 may not take this course for credit.

ART 222.3: Painting and Related Work II A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 111.6 or ART 123.3
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 271, ART 272 or ART 211 may not take this course for credit.

ART 223.3: Painting and Related Work II B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 222.3
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 271, ART 272 or ART 211 may not take this course for credit.

ART 230.3: Video Art and Sound I

This course explores the potentials of digital video and sound as contemporary art mediums. Technical production will be situated alongside experimental fine art thinking in term projects and learner exercises. Reading and discussion of related texts, artists' work, and supplementary audio/visual material will accompany production of artworks.

Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units 100-level ART courses
Note: Adobe Software: Premiere Pro, Audition and After Effects will be used in the production of projects and assignments. No previous experience with this software is required. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 231.3: Animation and Digital Space I

Animation and Digital Space explores the rich potential of animation, digital motion graphics, and 2.5D digital environments as viable art mediums in contemporary art practice. Through a series of exercises and projects, stop-motion and traditional animation will converge with digital animation and digital environments.

Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units 100-level ART courses
Note: Software to be covered: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Photoshop and Illustrator may also be introduced in the building of assets. No prior experience using this software is required. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 235.3: Digital Imagery

Conceptual and technical development of the student's work in digital imagery. Adobe Photoshop software will be used to introduce students to image input and photomontage techniques. Critical and theoretical concerns pertaining to the medium will be discussed and related to the assignments.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 336.6 may not take ART 235.3 for credit.

ART 236.3: Digital and Integrated Practice II A

This course explores interdisciplinary and digital approaches to contemporary art making including video, projection, installation, sound, digital animation, performance, relational aesthetics and other forms of extended media. Reading and discussion of related texts and audio/visual material, technical tutorials and critique will accompany production of artworks.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units 100-level ART courses or permission of the instructor.

ART 237.3: Digital and Integrated Practice II B

This course explores interdisciplinary and digital approaches to contemporary art making including video, projection, installation, sound, digital animation, performance, relational aesthetics and other forms of extended media. Reading and discussion of related texts and audio/visual material, technical tutorials and critique will accompany production of artworks.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s):3 credit units 100-level ART courses or permission of the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History.

ART 241.3: Sculpture and Related Work II A

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 141.3 or permission of the instructor
Note: Students with credit for ART 214 may not take ART 241 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 242.3: Sculpture and Related Work II B

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 141.3 or permission of the instructor.
Note: Students with credit for ART 214 may not take ART 242 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 250.3: Topics in Specialized Media

A practical course which explores the techniques of a particular specialized media. Students will gain experience using a particular technique.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): : 15 credit units of university-level coursework and permission of the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History.
Note(s): Students may take this course more than once for credit, provided the topic covered in each offering differs substantially. In such cases, students must consult the School for the Arts - Art and Art History to ensure that the topics covered are different.

ART 251.3: Intermediate Printmaking

Explores the conceptual, expressive and technical processes in multiple print media that include intaglio, relief, lithography, and screen printing. Digital applications and photo-printmaking will be investigated in various projects. Photo-intaglio (solar plate), photo-lithography, posterization and CMYK processes, as well as monotypes and monoprints will be explored. Discussion and exposure to a variety of equipment and materials will be included.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 151.3, ART 152.3 or ART 113.6; or permission of the instructor.
Note: Students with credit for ART 213 may not take this course for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 298.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 299.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 317.3: Photography III A

This course is designed to allow students continual development in the creative language of photography both expressive and technical building on skills learned in previous courses. Theory and practical applications will be approached through assigned projects and independent work. Advanced techniques will be introduced such as large format cameras, advanced editing techniques, alternative processes and mural printing. Students will complete an independent project to present in final class critique.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 217.3
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 316.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 318.3: Photography III B

This course is designed to allow students continual development in the creative language of photography both expressive and technical building on skills learned in previous courses. Theory and practical applications will be approached through assigned projects and independent work. Advanced techniques will be introduced such as large format cameras, advanced editing techniques, alternative processes and mural printing. Students will complete an independent project to present in final class critique.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 317.3.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 316.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 320.3: Drawing and Related Work III A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media, and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 221.3.
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 312, ART 381, or ART 382 may not take ART 320 for credit.

ART 321.3: Drawing and Related Work III B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 320.3.
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 312, ART 381, or ART 382 may not take this course for credit.

ART 322.3: Painting and Related Work III A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 223.3.
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 311, ART 371 or ART 372 may not take this course for credit.

ART 323.3: Painting and Related Work III B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 322.3.
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 311, ART 371 or ART 372 may not take this course for credit.

ART 326.3: Printmaking III A

Explores the conceptual, expressive and technical processes of all areas of printmaking, including digital media. Advanced concepts and processes are all part of choices students can make concentrating in two or more distinct areas of printmaking.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 213.6 or ART 251.3.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 313 may not take this course for credit.

ART 327.3: Printmaking III B

Continuation of the exploration of the conceptual, expressive and technical processes of all areas of printmaking, including digital media. Advanced concepts and processes are all part of choices students can make concentrating in two or more distinct areas of printmaking.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 326.3.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 313 may not take this course for credit.

ART 330.3: Video Art and Sound II

Continued exploration and expansion of video and sound potentials, contextualizing digital media within contemporary installation and art practice. Technical production will be situated alongside experimental fine art thinking in two to three term projects. Reading and discussion of related texts, artists' work and supplementary audio/visual material will accompany production of artworks.

Prerequisite(s): ART 230
Note: Adobe Software: Premiere Pro, Audition and After Effects will be used in the production of projects and assignments. No previous experience with this software is required. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 331.3: Animation and Digital Space II

Animation and Digital Space proposes and explores the rich potential of animation, digital motion graphics and 2.5D and/or 3D digital environments as viable art mediums in contemporary art practice. This course will use a combination of live video capture, still imagery, green screening, rotoscoping, masking and digital animation techniques to manipulate, collage and build 2.5D digital spaces, concepts and/or narratives using After Effects. Following a sequence of technically-based exercises and thematic lectures, each student will create a video installation that uses the skills and concepts introduced in class.

Prerequisite(s): ART 231.3.
Note: Software to be covered: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Photoshop and Illustrator will also be used in the building of assets. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 338.3: Digital and Integrated Practice III A

Continued exploration of interdisciplinary and digital approaches to contemporary art making including video, projection, installation, sound, digital animation, performance, relational aesthetics and other forms of extended media. Reading and discussion of related texts and audio/visual material, technical tutorials and critique will accompany production of artworks.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 236.3 or ART 237.3
Note: Students with credit for ART 335.3 may not take ART 338.3 for credit.

ART 339.3: Digital and Integrated Practice III B

Continued exploration of interdisciplinary and digital approaches to contemporary art making including video, projection, installation, sound, digital animation, performance, relational aesthetics and other forms of extended media. Reading and discussion of related texts and audio/visual material, technical tutorials and critique will accompany production of artworks.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 236.3 or ART 237.3
Note: Students with credit for ART 335.3 may not take ART 339.3 for credit.

ART 341.3: Sculpture and Related Work III A

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 214.6; or ART 241.3 and ART 242.3
Note: Students with credit for ART 314 may not take ART 341 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 342.3: Sculpture and Related Work III B

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 241.3 and ART 242.3
Note: Students with credit for ART 314 may not take ART 342 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 350.3: Hands on Practice of Historical Media

A practical course which explores the techniques of various historical media. Students will gain experience researching and using these older and sometimes forgotten techniques. Media and emphasis will vary depending on the expertise of the instructor.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): By permission of the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History.
Note: ART 350 and ARTH 351 are cross-listed course offerings. Art History and Studio Art majors will receive studio art credit for ART 350, and Art History credit for ARTH 351. Students may not take both versions at the same time. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students may take this course more than once for credit, provided the topics covered in each offering differ substantially. In such cases, students must consult the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History to ensure that the topics covered are different.

ART 355.3: Topics in Interdisciplinary Studio Practice

Identification of the concepts, materials, and means of interdisciplinary art-making using a range of media. A wide range and exploration of materials and combinations of mediums will be emphasized, depending on the expertise of the instructor.

Weekly hours: 0.5 Lecture hours and 1 Seminar/Discussion hours and 1.5 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): 24 credit units ART courses or permission of the instructor
Note: Students may take this course more than once for credit, provided the topic covered in each offering differs substantially. Students must consult the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History to ensure that the topics covered are different.

ART 398.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Past courses have included Reconsidering the Spiritual in Contemporary Art; Spectacle: Practices in Art and Drama.

ART 399.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Past courses have included Contemporary Video: Critical Issues and Practices; Painting Icons and Thangkas: Tradition and Innovation.

ART 417.3: Photography IV A

Continued development in the creative language of photography both expressive and technical. Includes black and white, and colour photography, both chemical and digital. Theory and practical application will be approached through assigned projects and independent work. Students will complete an independent project to present in final class critique.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 318.3
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 416.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 418.3: Photography IV B

This course is designed to allow students continual development in the creative language of photography both expressive and technical building on skills learned in previous courses. Theory and practical applications will be approached through assigned projects and independent work. Advanced techniques will be introduced such as large format cameras, advanced editing techniques, alternative processes and mural printing. Students will complete and independent project to present in final class critique.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): Art 417.3
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 416.6 may not take this course for credit.

ART 441.3: Sculpture and Related Work A

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 341.3 and ART 342.3
Note: Students with credit for ART 414 may not take ART 441 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 442.3: Sculpture and Related Work B

Continued identification of the concepts, materials and means of sculpture and related three-dimensional form. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental, will be encouraged. This includes a wide exploration of materials and combination of materials (such as wood, metal, cement, plaster, found objects, etc.).

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 341.3 and ART 342.3
Note:Students with credit for ART 414 may not take ART 442.3 for credit. Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 450.3: Advanced Studies in Studio Art I

This course emphasizes student’s independent growth and development as it relates to their discipline through self-directed practice in a selected studio area.

Prerequisite(s): ART 416.6, ART 439.3, ART 442.3, ART 460.3, ART 461.3, ART 470.3, ART 471.3, ART 472.3, ART 473.3, ART 476.3 or ART 477.3
Note: Students are required to have completed the 400-level prerequisite in the selected studio area. Students must provide their own materials. Instructor permission is required.

ART 451.3: Advanced Studies in Studio Art II

Building on skills developed in ART 450.3, this course emphasizes student’s independent growth and development as it relates to their discipline through self-directed practice in a selected studio area.

Prerequisite(s): ART 450.3
Note: Students are required to have completed ART 450 in the selected studio area. Students must provide their own materials. Instructor permission is required.

ART 452.3: Advanced Studies in Studio Art III

Building on skills developed in ART 451.3, this course emphasizes student’s independent growth and development as it relates to their discipline through self-directed practice in a selected studio area.

Prerequisite(s): ART 423.6, ART 451.3, ART 480.3, ART 481.3, ART 484.3, or ART 485.3
Note: Students are required to have completed the prerequisite course in the selected studio area. Students must provide their own materials. Instructor permission is required.

ART 453.3: Advanced Studies in Studio Art IV

Building on skills developed in ART 452.3, this course emphasizes student’s independent growth and development as it relates to their discipline through self-directed practice in a selected studio area.

Prerequisite(s): ART 452
Note: Students are required to have completed ART 452 in the selected studio area. Students must provide their own materials. Instructor permission is required.

ART 460.3: Video Art and Sound III

Advanced exploration and expansion of video and sound, contextualizing digital media within contemporary installation and art practice. Technical production will be situated alongside experimental fine art thinking in two to three term projects. Reading and discussion of related texts, artists' work and supplementary audio/visual material will accompany production of artworks.

Prerequisite(s): ART 330.3
Note: Adobe Software: Premiere Pro, Audition and After Effects will be used in the production of projects and assignments. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 461.3: Animation and Digital Space III

Animation and Digital Space is an advanced exploration of the rich potential of animation, digital motion graphics and 2.5D digital environments as viable art mediums in contemporary art practice. This course will use a combination of live video capture, still imagery, green screening, rotoscoping, masking and digital animation techniques to manipulate, collage and build 2.5D digital spaces, concepts and/or narratives using After Effects. Following a sequence of technically-based exercises and thematic lectures, each student will create two to three advanced projects that use the skills and concepts introduced in class.

Prerequisite(s): ART 331.3
Note: Software to be covered: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Photoshop and Illustrator will also be used in the building of assets. Software will be available to all registered students throughout the term in the Arts Media Lab (Murray 184). If students wish to use their own laptops/computers they will need to purchase a software license to run on their home device.

ART 470.3: Drawing and Related Work IV A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 321.3.
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 412 may not take this course for credit.

ART 471.3: Drawing and Related Work IV B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to visual perception and expression through drawing, compositional design, graphic media and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 470.3
Note: Drawing students must provide their own drawing materials. Students with credit for ART 412 may not take this course for credit.

ART 472.3: Painting and Related Work IV A

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 323.3.
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 411 may not take ART 472 for credit.

ART 473.3: Painting and Related Work IV B

Continued identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media and skills of pictorial art. Students may experiment with painting media and work from any subject matter. Students must acquaint themselves with the materials of their craft and its correct use in producing technically sound works of art. Emphasizes the student's artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 472.3.
Note: Painting students must provide their own painting materials. Students with credit for ART 411 may not take this course for credit.

ART 476.3: Printmaking IV A

Exploration at an advanced level of the conceptual, expressive and technical means of four major print methods: Etching, Lithography, the Relief Print and Serigraphy and related photographic and digital methods. Through familiarity with the craft of traditional print methods as well as experimentation will be encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 327.3.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 413 may not take this course for credit.

ART 477.3: Printmaking IV B

Continuation of the exploration at an advanced level of the conceptual, expressive and technical means of four major print methods: etching, lithography, the relief print and serigraphy, and related photographic and digital methods. Through familiarity with the craft of traditional print methods as well as experimentation will be encouraged.

Weekly hours: 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): ART 476.3.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course. Students with credit for ART 413 may not take this course for credit.

ART 495.0: BFA Exhibition

Students will mount an exhibition of work done during their program of study in the School for the Arts – Art & Art History. Students must include a one-page written "artist's statement" with their exhibition, developed in consultation with a faculty advisor. The exhibition must be of a quantity and quality deemed acceptable by faculty and will be assigned a grade of CR (Completed Requirements).

Permission of the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History required.
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. student in the final year of program with minimum CPA of 70% and permission of the undergraduate program chair of Art and Art History.

ART 498.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 499.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover, in depth, topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 830.6: Critical Issues in Contemporary Art and Culture

This seminar will deal with key issues in contemporary art. Primary sources, as well as subsequent interpretations and current literature all pertaining to modern art, post-modern and the most recent cutting edge art, will serve as source material for topics selected by individual students for investigation. Faculty and students will participate through ongoing presentations, discussions and written work.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 430 may not take this course for credit.

ART 831.3: Critical Issues in Contemporary Art and Culture A

This course explores critical Issues relevant to the increasingly hybrid range of contemporary art practices, including the expanding realm of exhibition sites and modes; the public role of art and artists; and the dynamics, subcultures, and economic and political realities that make up the contemporary art world.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 430 or ART 830 may not take this course for credit.

ART 832.3: Critical Issues in Contemporary Art and Culture B

This course follow-up on ART 831 exploring critical Issues relevant to the increasingly hybrid range of contemporary art practices, including the expanding realm of exhibition sites and modes; the public role of art and artists; and the dynamics, subcultures, and economic and political realities that make up the contemporary art world.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Students with credit for ART 430 or ART 830 may not take this course for credit.

ART 838.3: Digital and Integrated Practice A

Continued research and exploration in collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary art making. Projects will include alternative practices such as video, performance, installation, projection, and book works. Reading and discussion of related texts will accompany production of artworks. Ambitious and critical synthesis of concepts and media are expected at the graduate level.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. degree.

ART 839.3: Digital and Integrated Practice B

This course continues following up on ART 838 with research and exploration in collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary art making. Projects will include alternative practices such as video, performance, installation, projection, and book works. Reading and discussion of related texts will accompany production of artworks. Ambitious and critical synthesis of concepts and media are expected at the graduate level.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. degree.

ART 841.3: Sculpture A

Research and continued identification of the concepts, materials, and means of sculpture and related work will be explored. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental approaches will be encouraged. This includes wide exploration of materials and combinations such as metals, wood, fabric, cement, and found objects. Ambitious and critical synthesis of materials, processes and concepts is expected at the graduate level.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 842.3: Sculpture B

Continuing from ART 841 (or with permission of the supervisor and instructor), research and continued identification of the concepts, materials, and means of sculpture and related work will be explored. Methods of construction (casting, carving, building, assembling, etc.) and presentation, both traditional and experimental approaches will be encouraged. This includes wide exploration of materials and combinations such as metals, wood, fabric, cement, and found objects. Ambitious and critical synthesis of materials, processes and concepts is expected at the graduate level.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 851.3: Printmaking A

Studio work and exploration of the conceptual, expressive and technical means of four major print methods will be offered: Etching, Lithography, Relief Print and Serigraphy. Related photographic methods will be demonstrated. Thorough familiarity with the craft of the traditional print methods, as well as experimentation will be encouraged.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. degree.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition will apply to this course.

ART 852.3: Printmaking B

Continuing from ART 851 (or with permission of the supervisor and instructor), studio work and exploration of the conceptual, expressive and technical means of four major print methods will be offered: Etching, Lithography, Relief Print and Serigraphy. Related photographic methods will be demonstrated. Thorough familiarity with the craft of the traditional print methods, as well as experimentation will be encouraged.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. degree.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 861.6: Photography

Continued development in the creative language of photography, both expressive and technical. The study will include still, motion, black and white, and color photography. Theory and practical application will be approached through direct experience with the camera and with the developing and printing processes.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours
Prerequisite(s): B.F.A. degree.
Note: Costs in addition to tuition may apply to this course.

ART 871.3: Painting A

Continual identification of concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media, and skills of painting. Students may experiment with any or all painting media and work from a choice of subject matter. Emphasis is on students' artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 872.3: Painting B

Continuing from ART 871 (or with permission of the supervisor and instructor), concepts and methods as they relate to the expression, structure, media, and skills of painting will be explored. Students may experiment with any or all painting media and work from a choice of subject matter. Emphasis is on students' artistic growth and development.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 881.3: Drawing

Continued research and exploration of the concepts and methods of drawing as they relate to visual perception and expression, compositional design and graphic media, and skills. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is expected.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 882.3: Drawing

Continuing from ART 881 (or with permission of the supervisor and instructor), research and exploration of the concepts and methods of drawing as they relate to visual perception and expression, compositional design and graphic media, and skills will be explored. Use of diverse media coupled with invented and observed form is expected.

Weekly hours: 1 Lecture hours and 2 Seminar/Discussion hours

ART 898.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by regular and visiting faculty and in other special situations. Students interested in this course should contact the department for more information.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

ART 899.6: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by regular and visiting faculty and in other special situations. Students interested in this course should contact the department for more information.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

ART 990.0: Seminar

All graduate students are required to attend departmental seminars during the first two years of their program. Students will present their exhibition research and participate in seminar discussions. Departmental faculty and visiting lecturers also contribute to the program.

ART 994.0: Research – Thesis

Students writing a Master's thesis must register for this course.

ART 995.N/A: MFA Exhibition

This is a major component of the M.F.A. degree in Visual Arts. Students must select the best from work completed during the two years and mount an acceptable exhibition. This exhibition constitutes the major emphasis of the students' study and research. The examining committee for the defense of this exhibition consists of three Art Department faculty, one external examiner and a designated chair for the exam.