This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2024 to April 2025.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2024-2025, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

26 Results

EMUS 115.3: Introduction to Music Education

This course will provide students with an introduction to key questions and issues in music education theory and practice. The aim is to provide a stimulating and challenging environment in which students are encouraged to think about the nature and roles of music education in schools, studios, and community settings. This course will provide students with the opportunity to explore key topics in education that impact on the nature and value of music learning and will provide the necessary tools to equip students as learners and educators in a variety of contexts. Accordingly, a good deal of class time is dedicated to examining and discussing major issues, ideas, methodologies, and approaches to music education in schools and also to encouraging self-examination of personal experiences and the values students bring to their studies of music education.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Note: This course is open to music majors and students in the College of Education. Other students may also take this course with permission of the department. Students with credit for either MUS 115.3 or MUS 298.3 Introduction to Music Education may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 238.3: Classroom Instruments

Deals with methods and techniques involved in playing and teaching classroom instruments including ukulele, guitar, recorder and mallet percussion.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134.
Note: B.A. students who plan to enter into Education as Elementary generalists with Music as Teaching Area I may take EMUS 238. Students with credits for EMUS 338 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 300.3: Orff Schulwerk Level I

This course is an extensive hands-on examination and experience of the teaching and learning processes of Orff Schulwerk. Participants will critically engage with the Orff Schulwerk philosophy and pedagogy and gain facility in its sequential, four-stage learning/teaching process: imitation, exploration, improvisation, and literacy. In addition to building a repertoire of age and grade level appropriate songs, singing games, and activities, participants will extend their musicianship and gain facility in elemental orchestration techniques. Students will also explore pathways to inspire creativity through the integration of speech, song, movement, and instruments.

Prerequisite(s): MUS 121.2 or permission from the School for the Arts Music.
Note: Carl Orff Canada requires that students achieve a grade of 80% in each component of the class to receive their endorsement. No additional fees are required to receive the endorsement.

EMUS 301.3: String Techniques

This course is designed to teach students the foundations of playing and teaching orchestral string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass). It also aims for students to develop fluency in string pedagogy, string methodologies, and arranging skills for string instruments.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134.3 or by permission of the instructor.
Note: Students with credit for MUS 398.3 String Techniques may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 302.2: Classroom Guitar Techniques for Music Majors

This course is designed for teachers who plan to use the guitar as a vehicle for teaching music concepts and skills at the elementary or secondary levels. Teaching methods and materials include a review of audiovisual and other materials, teaching and motivational strategies, classroom routines, and evaluation strategies.

Weekly hours: 2 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): MUAP 145; MUS 120; MUS 133; and one of MUS 150, MUS 151, MUS 155, or MUS 156, or permission from the department.
Note: Registration is restricted to students in the BA Music and B.Mus. programs.

EMUS 333.3: Brass Techniques

A study of teaching techniques and methodologies for teaching trumpet, French horn, trombone/euphonium, and tuba within a school-based music curriculum. Selected topics in brass pedagogy and a topographical survey of cognate instrumental method books are included in the content of this course.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134.
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 433 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 335.3: Woodwind Techniques

An intensive study of playing and teaching techniques of woodwind instruments, including equipment and materials. Special topics in elementary and secondary school woodwind pedagogy are also included.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 330.6 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 337.3: Jazz Pedagogy

An introduction to the study and application of techniques in reading jazz, teaching, improvisation, jazz ensemble rehearsal, and the management of the successful school jazz ensemble program. Other areas of study include: the rhythm section, literature selection, score analysis and preparation, basic jazz theory, and the use of technology in jazz education.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134.

EMUS 339.3: Percussion Techniques

An intensive study of playing and teaching techniques of percussion instruments including equipment and materials. Special topics in elementary and secondary school percussion pedagogy are included.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134.
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 436 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 431.3: Teaching Music in the Elementary School

An introduction to the study of school music methods and materials essential for the sequential development of the musical learning process of elementary school students. Studies include principles of growth and development as applied to children and the music learning process. This course is intended for Elementary/Middle Years Music Specialists in the combined B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) program and College of Education students electing music as a Teaching Area.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): EMUS 238
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 331 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 438.3: Choral Music Teaching in the Secondary School

A study of choral methods and materials, including exemplary curricula, curriculum and administration standards, lesson and unit planning, repertoire selection including programming and analysis, teaching strategies, materials and resources, musical literacy, evaluation, and an understanding of the characteristics of successful school band programs

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 234 and MUS 325.

EMUS 441.3: Philosophy of Music Education

An introduction to the philosophical, psychological and curricular foundations of music education.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 134
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 342 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 442.3: Organization and Administration of School Music Program

Besides topics in organization and administration, studies include music and arts education curricula. Leadership and managerial styles pertaining to the music educator will be explored. Students will gain first hand experience in planning, coordinating and managing a major music festival.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 234 and 12 credit units in EMUS.

EMUS 448.3: Instrumental Music Teaching in the Secondary School

A study of instrumental methods and materials, including exemplary curricula, curriculum and administration standards, lesson and unit planning, repertoire selection and analysis, teaching strategies, materials and resources, evaluation, and an understanding of the characteristics of successful school band programs.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): MUS 234 and MUS 325
Note: Students with credit for EMUS 340 may not take this course for credit.

EMUS 490.3: Seminar in Music Education

A senior seminar for students who have completed the Extended Practicum in Music. It involves directed readings, seminar discussions, written assignments, classroom and rehearsal observation, and other experiences to assist students in integrating knowledge and abilities acquired from courses in Music and Music Education and the Practicum.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): EXPR 402.

EMUS 498.3: Special Topics

Offered occasionally by visiting faculty and in other special situations to cover in depth topics that are not thoroughly covered in regularly offered courses.

EMUS 805.3: Critical Perspectives in Music Education

This course provides advanced exploration regarding the philosophical and theoretical foundations of school-based music education. Through the study of general philosophical inquiry about music philosophy and aesthetics, students will develop the ability to articulate their thoughts on the nature and value of school-based music education and the critical issues that influence and affect this profession.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours

EMUS 838.3: Advanced Choral Music Teaching in the Secondary School

An advanced methods course dealing with detailed studies and critical comparison of examples of choral curricula, selection and comprehensive analysis of choral repertoire, lesson planning, programming, research into teaching of musical literacy and techniques of evaluation. Included is a substantial and detailed examination of materials and resources, and critical research into the function and characteristics of successful secondary school choral music programs.

EMUS 841.3: Advanced Philosophical Basis of Music Education

An advanced investigation of cutting-edge philosophical foundations of school-based music education. Through the intensive study of several schools of philosophical inquiry—both historical and current—as well as the many principal contributions made to music philosophy and aesthetics, graduate students will develop the ability to research and to articulate their thoughts in writing on the nature and value of school-based music education as demonstrated through course work and a substantial research paper.

EMUS 848.3: Advanced Instrumental Music Teaching in the Secondary School

An advanced inquiry, exploration and research within the realm of instrumental music education. The successful graduate student will be able to acquire and share knowledge regarding methodology, pedagogy, assessment and current scholarly ideas within the scope of the subject. This seminar will allow the student to share their most recent experiences within the classroom (if applicable), and build their knowledge base to include the latest research and techniques prevalent and successful within the profession of music education.

EMUS 860.3: Psychology of Music

Functions of the musical mind and factors involved in the development of musical skills and maturity.

EMUS 890.3: Advanced Seminar in Music Education

An advanced seminar in music education designed for graduate students. The course involves research in directed readings, written assignments, oral presentations, leading classroom seminar discussions, and other experiences to assist graduate students in complementing and integrating knowledge and abilities acquired from educational experiences, courses in music and music education, and in the practical conducting experiences (e.g., school-based or professional).

EMUS 898.3: Special Topics

Besides topics in organization and administration, studies include music and arts education curricula. Leadership and managerial styles pertaining to the music educator will be explored. Students will gain first-hand experience in planning, coordinating and managing a major music festival.

EMUS 899.N/A: Special Topics

Students interested in these courses should contact the department for more information.

EMUS 991.3: Music Education Capstone

This course serves as the summative experience for students enrolled in the course-based MMus in Music Education degree. The purpose of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to design, develop, and present a project that relates to and enriches their pedagogical practice in music education.

Weekly hours: 3 Seminar/Discussion hours
Note: This course is intended to be the final course taken within the University of Saskatchewan's Master of Music (M.Mus.) in Music Education degree program.

EMUS 994.0: Research – Thesis

A student undertaking research leading to a thesis must register in this course each year until the thesis is complete.