This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2024 to April 2025.

Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. For a list of course offerings in 2024-2025, please consult the class search website.

The following conventions are used for course numbering:

  • 010-099 represent non-degree level courses
  • 100-699 represent undergraduate degree level courses
  • 700-999 represent graduate degree level courses

Course search

5 Results

JPNS 114.3: Introductory Japanese I

This course offers introductory (elementary) level Japanese language instruction. The course is for complete beginners who have a keen interest in Japan and the language. The aim of the course is to develop the basic skills of writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Students will become familiar with the Japanese sounds and language structures by mastering hiragana, katakana writing systems along with 43 kanji (Chinese characters).

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours

JPNS 117.3: Introductory Japanese II

This course offers introductory (elementary) level Japanese language instruction. The course is for beginners who have a keen interest in Japan and the language and have taken Japanese 114.3 or equivalent. The aim of the course is to develop the basic skills of writing, reading, listening, and speaking. In Japanese 117.3, students will learn more kanji and grammar patterns based on Japanese 114.3. By the end of this course students will be at a similar level to Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N5.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): JPNS 114

JPNS 214.3: Intermediate Japanese I

This course is for students who have completed JPNS 117.3 or have attained the same level. Students will learn more complex grammar patterns and kanji (Chinese characters), based on Introductory Japanese I and II. This will enable students to communicate more confidently and express themselves using the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will also become familiar with Japanese culture and customs.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): JPNS 117

JPNS 217.3: Intermediate Japanese II

This course is for students who have completed JPNS 214.3. Students will learn more complex grammar patterns and kanji (Chinese characters). This will enable students to communicate more confidently and express themselves using the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will also learn more about Japanese culture and customs. By the end of this course students will be at a similar level to Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N4.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours
Prerequisite(s): JPNS 214

JPNS 233.3: Popular Culture and Cinema in Japan

This course explores Japanese popular culture from the 1950s through to the present. The course meetings will include lectures, student presentations, film screenings and discussion. In this course students will improve academic knowledge about Japanese culture and history while developing knowledge of the popular culture and films of Japan. In addition, students will expand their critical thinking, reading and writing skills.

Weekly hours: 3 Lecture hours and 3 Practicum/Lab hours
Prerequisite(s): Completion of 30 credit units at the university, or permission of the department.
Note: This course may not be used as a Language course in the Breadth Requirement of Arts & Science programs.